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Protein-Protein Interaction
Molecular recognition and binding of proteins with high sensitivity and selectivity is of central importance to essentially all biomolecular processes in a living cell. Replication, transcription, translation, signal transduction, protein trafficking and protein degradation are all accomplished by meticulously regulated assembled protein complexes. HD Biosciences offers services covering assay development and high throughput screening to
help you identify compounds targeting protein-protein interaction.
Assay Development
Assay formats: TR-FRET (HTRF, LANCE), AlphaScreen, fluorescence polarization,
Biacore, radiometric, etc.
Assay development includes routine assay optimization (protein titration, KD determination, identification of equilibrium time etc.) and assay validation (DMSO
tolerance, Z' test, compound validation, etc.).
KD determination for protein-protein interaction using TR-FRET based technology
Successful development of a HTRF based protein-protein interaction assay
Assay formats: TR-FRET (HTRF, LANCE), AlphaScreen, fluorescence polarization, radiometric, etc.
HTS validation includes uniformity test, pilot screening etc.
Capable of generating over 50,000 data points per day for most screenings
Data turnaround time: 1-2 weeks
HD Biosciences (China) Co.,Ltd
590 Ruiqing Road
Zhangjiang East Campus, Pudong, Shanghai 201201,
Tel: +86 (21) 5116 3700
Fax: +86 (21) 5116 3766