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Oxymas/CLAMS System
The deficiency in energy expenditure is an important etiological determinant and also the hallmark for metabolic diseases. Oxymas/CLAMS system provides 24-hour non-invasive collection of locomotor activity, feeding, drinking, urine, and indirect calorimetry data including volume of oxygen consumed, volume of carbon dioxide generated and the respiratory exchange ratio. The energy expenditure analysis predicts the animal metabolic status and therapeutic effects of test compounds. HDB has set up the Oxymas configuration systems with positive drug validation and compound evaluation on several physiological and behavioral parameters in both normal lean and high-fat diet induced obesity (DIO) mice.
Fig. 12 Oxygen consumption and locomotor activity with Oxymas/CLAMS Comprehensive Lab Animal Monitoring
System. Acute effect of Rimonabant on calorimetric assessment was tested in both normal mice (standard chow
diet, SCD) and diet induced obesity (DIO) mice.
HD Biosciences (China) Co.,Ltd
590 Ruiqing Road
Zhangjiang East Campus, Pudong, Shanghai 201201,
Tel: +86 (21) 5116 3700
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