Cell Lines Collection
Recombinant cell lines
HD Biosciences proprietary technologies enable us to provide high-quality recombinant cell lines for various functional assays and for high throughput drug screening. Our cell lines with over expressed G-protein coupled receptor (GPCRs), ion channels or other drug targets provide solutions for drug discovery. The functional assays can be transcriptional readout (reporter gene assays) and/or intracellular calcium flux detection for GPCRs, and membrane potential dyes or calcium influx for certain ion channels. All HDB cell lines have been well-characterized and show stability in assays for at least 25 passages. (The Sample of Cell Line Product Description). All cell lines are available frozen at 2 x 106 cells/ml/vials
and have been tested negative for mycoplasma.
Tumor cell lines
HD Biosciences tumor cell bank consists of ~400 cell lines that cover various geography, ethnics, tumor types and genetic backgrounds. All cell lines are characterized following our SOP guided process with growth curve, doubling time, STR profling and are detected mycoplasma-free. We provide multiple assay formats and screening services, such as CellTiter Glo, soft agar, apoptosis, invasion and migration assays, to support target engagement, compound sensitivity screen and translational science studies. The cell line
collection continues growing.
HD Biosciences (China) Co.,Ltd
590 Ruiqing Road
Zhangjiang East Campus, Pudong, Shanghai 201201,
Tel: +86 (21) 5116 3700
Fax: +86 (21) 5116 3766